
Forecast of Mainstream Style of Furniture Market in 2019

2022-05-27 17:58:29 81


New Chinese style will continue to be popular in the market

New Chinese-style furniture is becoming popular in the market. There are two main reasons for the popularity of the new Chinese style: the rising national pride; and the brilliant performance of furniture Designers'innovation in exploring traditional cultural elements. Continuous and high-quality innovation has greatly promoted the marketing of new Chinese furniture. With the pursuit of cultural roots and cultural return of mainstream consumers, the new Chinese furniture market boom has been promoted.

With the continuous rise of China's national strength and national pride, there is still a long way to go for the development of new Chinese furniture. Only the national is the world. The perfect integration of nationality and world is embodied in the carrier of new Chinese furniture.

Light and luxurious style merges all schools

Light luxury is very suitable for young people. A little luxury, a little metal modern, concise, regular, systematic style. The popularity of light luxury makes all kinds of furniture manufacturers want to catch up with the trend of light luxury. As a result, American, Nordic, Italian, New Chinese and modern luxury products have been developed.

Lightweight and luxurious style has the tendency to integrate all kinds of styles. Light luxury is popular among young people, whose market life cycle is still very long. In 2019, it should still be in a period of market boom.

American furniture retreats to the high end

Among American furniture manufacturers, there are some powerful enterprises, whose brand operation ability is strong. American furniture is a masterpiece of western culture and has made unconventional improvements. Its profound artistic skills make it difficult for many patriots to give up their love under the background of Sino-US trade war.

American furniture is the pronoun of solid materials, excellent manufacturing, moderate design, natural and environmental protection, especially by high-end furniture consumers. American furniture has changed from full-eyed to high-end consumer's favorite. The market share of American furniture will be further reduced in 2019.

The Sino-US dispute is not as simple as a trade war. The background of Sino-US competition is the change of national mentality caused by the rise of national strength of the two countries. Compared with the relatively peaceful and neutral Chinese, Americans feel much more uncomfortable with the growth of Chinese national strength. It is wishful thinking that the two countries coexist peacefully and have no disputes at all. If the dispute resurges, the most harmful thing for the furniture industry will be American furniture, especially middle and low-end American furniture.

Nordic Furniture Turns to the Middle and Low Ends

Nordic furniture was popular in the market in 2016, the trend of development weakened in 2017, and the trend of weakening in 2018 was confirmed. Nordic furniture is difficult to sell at a high price because of its lack of value.

Nordic furniture is originally civilian furniture. However, in China's unique furniture sales system, dealers of general national chain furniture stores must have high gross profit to survive, which makes Nordic furniture sellers embarrassed.

In 2019, Nordic furniture may grow better in parity stores.

Simple Italian Vitality Highlights

Simple Italian furniture in the market has passed the test and is being produced by many furniture manufacturers. Italian simple design background is original Italian furniture.

Italian furniture is a unique existence in Chinese furniture market. Almost every year, Chinese furniture people visit the furniture exhibition in Milan, Italy, as a pilgrimage, and the simplicity of Italian furniture is one of its important characteristics. Chinese furniture designers understand the essence of Italian furniture and create Italian simple style furniture. It has not only the simple shape of Nordic furniture, but also the high-end and luxurious connotation of Italian furniture. Therefore, it is easier to produce a sense of value and higher gross profit in high-end and middle-end stores. In this sense, Italian minimalist furniture is a little like the upgraded version of Nordic furniture, and a little like the Chinese variation of Nordic furniture.
Italian simplicity is expected to develop further in 2019.

German Style Comes to the Surface

German furniture is becoming an important undercurrent in the furniture market in 2018, which is likely to become a dominant trend in 2019.

Germany and China are far apart. Although the Germans were important initiators of the two world wars, the Chinese people were more fond of the Germans than the Americans. As far as cultural preferences are concerned, German furniture has a broad consumer base.

German furniture is rigorous, solemn, deep and shows noble temperament in a low-key way. To some extent, it can neutralize the slightly frivolous and gorgeous light luxury furniture. It can be said that the light luxury furniture is so crazy, and the German furniture on the back of it hides such huge business opportunities in the future.

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