
Development Trend Analysis of Furniture Industry in 2019

2022-05-27 17:57:45 145

This year's furniture industry has experienced many attempts and challenges, such as consumption upgrading, new retailing, packaging, overseas mergers and acquisitions and trade wars. International brands have flooded into the domestic market in large quantities. Several domestic heavy environmental protection documents have come into effect. Trade wars have promoted the transformation and transfer of enterprises, and new retailers have reconstructed people, goods, markets and diversified channels. AI artificial intelligence is more widely used, product style is obvious, customization, house-wide customization, the penetration of the whole industry is deepening, and so on.

Obviously, the furniture industry is in the critical period of transformation and upgrading. At the same time, the downturn of the real estate market has affected furniture consumption, which has accelerated the elimination rate of the furniture market, which was originally fiercely competitive. This year, the furniture industry generally feels that the market is shrinking, and the sales of furniture enterprises are declining almost as a whole. All kinds of modes, channels and products make conservative attempts, and also place great expectations on the furniture market in the coming 2019.

Through long-term research and communication with entrepreneurs and industry experts, the new year will continue this year's development trend in many aspects, including products, markets and consumption. The development trend of furniture industry in 2019 is mainly analyzed from several aspects.

01 Chinese element products are still the mainstream of the market

From this year's exhibition and market, more than 60% of products are centered on Chinese elements, including Chinese style furniture and some localized western style furniture, such as Nordic style. The market share of European and American style furniture has shrunk sharply, and Italian modern simplicity will begin to recover this year after a few years of silence, but the new dominance in the market is not mature enough. At the same time, the new modern Italian minimalist style furniture products are obviously influenced by Chinese culture, and many products have obvious Chinese style. Elements, such as Chinese minimalism, Oriental new aesthetic minimalism style and other products. Chinese style furniture is influenced by modern furniture design ideas. The market mainly evolves in three directions: one is classical Chinese style, the other is modern Chinese style, and the third is neoclassical Chinese style. This evolution has emerged a few years ago and is becoming clearer and clearer.

It is obvious that the rapid development of furniture with Chinese elements as the core and the absolute mainstream of the market are the phenomenon of the revival of Chinese culture and the return of national self-confidence. With the rapid development of science, technology, economy and culture, and the continuous enhancement of comprehensive strength, furniture as a carrier of culture, the maturity of furniture market must be absolutely dominated by furniture products with Chinese elements as the core. The development of Chinese furniture in multiple routes is in line with the development direction of the market, which can be cleared up. Clear judgment, in 2019, this kind of furniture products with Chinese elements and Chinese cultural symbols as the core will remain the absolute mainstream of the market.

02 Custom Furniture Permeability Increased

At present, customized furniture and household customization have become the mainstream direction, and even have risen to the competition of the whole packaging mode. But there is still a lot of room for the market penetration of customized furniture. Apart from the development of customized furniture enterprises and the entry of customizers, in the future, all furniture enterprises can claim customization and finished furniture enterprises. The terminal sales can also be customized solutions, the concept of customization floods.

There are many aspects of future penetration of customized furniture. First, the domestic market layout of large-scale customized furniture enterprises has been basically completed and the market has been further cultivated. With the listing of these large-scale customized enterprises and the intervention of capital market, the market layout of large-scale customized brand enterprises has rapidly penetrated into the mainland Township level, and the penetration of the market will be deeper and more complete in the future. The second is the rapid development of high-end customization, forming a new competitive pattern and multiple penetration of the market. In addition, models such as large-scale soft-fitting institutions, whole-mounted platforms and Internet home-mounted platforms have gradually matured, and began to replicate the mode of urban operation platforms nationwide, further increasing the penetration of customization. Of course, there are many other aspects, such as the development of the new furniture industry base in the mainland, the expansion of the original small and medium-sized customized furniture enterprises in the city, and so on.

03 Smart Home Becomes a New Competitive Force

In the field of smart home, it has been called "talking on paper" for many years. However, with the mature application of AI technology and other technologies, the updating of hardware and software, the centralization of multi-device interconnection control in the industry chain has been realized, and the vertical stage of the smart home industry chain has been completed. In 2018, smart home will become "all-house smart". Smart home exhibition and all-house smart Experience Hall in the market will have more and more influence. The transformation of theory into practical application will certainly impact on the existing pattern of the home decoration market.

Simply put, the implementation of the hardcover housing policy, the original real estate enterprises have intervened in the field of home products, must pay attention to the value-added effect brought by intellectualization, real estate guides smart home landing in large quantities, including the functional requirements of furniture products or new requirements of design, procurement, cooperative production, etc., intelligent. Home will be a new competitive force, forming a new competitive pattern for the existing furniture market model.

04 Hard-fitting Room Affects the Competition Pattern of Furniture Industry

In the past, because of the small proportion of hardcover rooms, the impact on the furniture market is not great. But now the era of hardcover is coming. Real estate enterprises cross-border home industry, real estate developers directly cooperate with furniture brand enterprises, make customized home decoration for new house consumers, from hard to soft furniture, and truly create "carry and pack in".

Furniture industry, home decoration industry, including many design institutions, have a lot of manpower and material resources to invest in the home market of hardbound houses. Since this year, there have been many teams working on hardbound houses, carrying bags and checking in projects, looking for cooperation among furniture enterprises everywhere. Many enterprises have turned their future development focus to this, and the support for the original franchise chains is decreasing. Some large furniture enterprises may have chain reaction because of their close cooperation with real estate enterprises, so they become bigger and bigger. The survival of small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming more and more difficult, and the market pattern of furniture industry has been greatly impacted. The obvious case is that Hengda Group, in conjunction with Sofia, Qumei, Xilinmen and other well-known furniture enterprises, has jointly established Hengda Residential Industrial Park to provide home products for Hengda Hardcover Housing. More directly, in order to equip the new building with furniture, large real estate enterprises directly go to the factory to purchase, a purchase order amount of more than 100 million, so that more furniture enterprises are blushed, thus adjusting and changing the production and marketing mode. In the era of hardcover housing, real estate enterprises intervene in the home market, which has a great impact on the furniture industry.

05 Model Innovation Turns to Technological Innovation

The transformation and upgrading of furniture industry has lasted for many years, and has been seeking innovation of business model. However, since the second half of 2018, all kinds of modes, such as the O2 E-commerce mode, the sharing mode of software design platform, the construction of diversified channels, the whole installation platform, the Internet home decoration platform and so on, have either matured or finalized or disappeared. The mode innovation has been basically completed. In the future, technological innovation and technology application will be favored by more people.

Intelligent manufacturing at the manufacturing end, new materials and new technologies have attracted great attention from the whole industry chain, and many enterprises are willing to try, such as coating process upgrade, new technology of environmental protection, dust absorption, hardware technology breakthrough of solid wood customization and terminal application tools of furniture sales, etc., from supply chain to furniture enterprises. All the more effective technological innovations and applications in manufacturing, production and sales are sought after.

06 Imported Furniture Enhances Its Impact on China's Market

A large number of international brands entering the Chinese market in 2018, whether domestic enterprises are acquisitions or agents, are stepping up the market layout and penetration, after a year, will show results in 2019.

At the same time, due to the rising cost of domestic furniture manufacturing, many enterprises not only invest abroad, but also purchase a lot, especially in Southeast Asia. Many furniture enterprises turn their new consumer market target to China. At the same time, furniture enterprises transferred from China to Southeast Asia will also be sold back in large quantities. On the one hand, domestic furniture enterprises purchase large quantities of finished furniture and sell it to the domestic market. On the other hand, furniture enterprises transferred from the past in the early period of China will turn to the domestic market in the fierce export market competition, and a large number of products will be sold through various channels. Go home.

07 Industrial Transfer Investment Landing

In recent years, the furniture industry has shifted inward and outward, forming numerous new home industry bases in the interior, with large and small scale, fast and slow construction speed. In the case of strict environmental protection requirements in recent one or two years and sharp rise in manufacturing costs in coastal areas, enterprises are more urgent to transfer, and industrial transfer investment has landed. Many new industrial bases will be built and put into operation by next year, and the new industrial parks will begin to exert their strength.

For Beijing furniture enterprises, moving north to south, the newly built factory buildings are basically completed and will be put into operation next year. As Guangdong furniture enterprises move north, the manufacturing focus and even headquarters will gradually shift to the new furniture industry base. On the one hand, the transfer of the industry is basically completed, and the new home industry base pattern is formed; on the other hand, the gradual development of the new home industry base will inevitably have an impact on the existing industry pattern, and the risks and opportunities of investment will be displayed.

08 Domestic Sales Market Competition is more fierce

The growth of domestic furniture market is mostly in the rural and county markets in the mainland. This part of the market is partitioned by a small number of large enterprises and local small enterprises that have sunk to the end. Most furniture enterprises are concentrated in the first, second and third-tier market competition. In fact, from this year's market point of view, the consumption of first-tier cities is shrinking, especially with competition from various channels, the domestic furniture market competition next year will be more fierce, large enterprises operate cautiously, and the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises will become more difficult.

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